Pelvi Power

The PelviPower chair strengthens the pelvic floor after birth, and treats bladder weakness, menopause, back pain, prostatectomy, strengthening, posture and much more.

The newly developed Pelvi Power Chair is based on magnetic field stimulation and the bio-feedback of your body. Gentle pulses gradually increase, which signals the nerves to tell the muscles to contract. This causes the brain to recall ALL areas of the pelvic floor as the muscles automatically react to the stimulus. This not only trains and strengthens the muscles, but also makes the brain include them again in its daily movement routine. Before PelviPower training, the untrained pelvic floor cannot support the organs adequately. During PelviPower training, the magnetic field waves train and strengthen the pelvic floor. After PelviPower training the pelvic floor can work properly again.
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What Does Pelvi Power Help With?

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relieving back pain at pregnancy U4VEW3H

Young Mothers

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Back Pain




Incontinence can happen to anyone. Read this Daily Mail article which shows how PelviPower can help prevent and treat even the fittest sufferers.


Training is carried out whilst wearing normal everyday clothing
A training session on PelviPower takes 15–20 minutes. Effects depend on the individual’s health and physical status but typically become fully noticeable after 12 -24 hours.
The pelvic floor muscles are contracted up to 25,000 times by the magnetic waves.
One to two training sessions per week are adequate to achieve effective success.The duration of effects will depend on the individual but typically last on average of 5-8 days.
During your PelviPower training you are always accompanied by a qualified trainer and receive professional help as required.
Look out for positive psychology events at the Wellness Hub, special offers and ways you can connect with Ruth. A link to forthcoming events can be found here ……….


Visiting the wellness hub is always a joy for me. Emma is very knowledgeable and friendly, you feel at ease with her in treatments. Always tailor making a treatment so you feel you get what you need.

G King

Get In Touch

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment then please get in touch. You can find all of our details below.

26 Lower Kings Rd, Berkhamsted HP4 2AE

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