Gemma Holmes


Gemma Holmes, The Peer Coach, is an experienced Cognitive Hypnotherapist and coach specialising in authentic confidence. She is on a mission to give professionals a sustainable alternative to “faking it till you make it”. She knows first-hand that faking confidence is exhausting, uncomfortable and unsustainable; where as authentic confidence gives you energy, feels good and is confidence that lasts.

Gemma trained at the internationally-renowned Quest Institute in London in 2010, where she gained a Diploma in Cognitive Hypnotherapy with Distinction and subsequently a Master Practitioner certificate in Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Since then, she has helped clients across the travel, publishing, marketing, health, finance, HR and education sectors to release fears from the past and tap into their true authentic confidence.

Her thorough training, relatable style and 14 years’ experience climbing the corporate ladder in a marketing career enable her to deliver high-impact 1:1 therapy and coaching that breaks through confidence barriers and fuels true self-belief. 

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Areas Gemma can help:

Prioritise list

The Authentic Confidence Programme:

The most impactful way to work with Gemma is through her 2-month 1:1 Authentic Confidence Programme.

Following a free 30-minute chat,

This includes:
4 x 75 minute 1:1 confidence therapy & coaching sessions

A bespoke guided hypnosis recording to accelerate progress between sessions

Coaching emails throughout your programme

This programme costs £595 and full details can be found here.

Confidence Breakthrough Sessions:

For those who aren’t able to commit to the full programme but have a specific confidence-related issue in mind, such as an upcoming interview or important work event, Gemma also offers 90-minute Confidence Breakthrough Sessions.

These cost £150 per session and include a guided hypnosis recording. Details can be found here.

Health notice:
As Gemma’s approach to confidence therapy & coaching includes experiences of trance-based techniques, please note her sessions are not suitable for those with a history of epilepsy or psychosis.

Appointments & Booking


Gemma offers 1:1 sessions at The Wellness Hub on Wednesday afternoons/evenings and Thursdays throughout the day. Online sessions may also be possible outside of these times.

How To Book

Visit to find out more and contact Gemma on to arrange a good time for an intro chat.

Get In Touch

If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment then please get in touch. You can find all of our details below.

26 Lower Kings Rd, Berkhamsted HP4 2AE

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